

I'm glad that our relationship is still in good condition :)
feel grateful to have a friend like you
and thanks for the encouragement too
you mentioned a word
DREAM this is what I want
I don't have much dream relate with the real life
I mean many are really that kind which we human can't make it comes true
but only this few... only them are real
which I could use my effort to comply it
SCIENCE although I didn't give up them but almost...
I won't give up them in my SPM results
but I know I don't have the talent
maybe I could easily understand what people explain to me
but I couldn't remember it rightly
I heard people said that memory could be trained
but I don't know how
so why force myself to do something I can't afford to?
although I dream to be a doctor or someone's job which could be related to conserving human's life animal's life or the Earth :)
I can still be saving them using my small little effort but not my brain
sorry it couldn't help much...
so I decided to do the second thing which I like
actually I don't like to draw since I was a little girl
until I know Manga and Anime
the way the cartoonist draw the character ... it was AWESOME ((I mean handsome LOL
and the story line is damn surprising and humorous XDD
At that time which I've started to watch KHR
OMG I didn't expect myself would like to watch such anime which full of battle scene
DAMN I like the way they present it
and once I've searched information for anime
I read the differentiation between Anime and Cartoon
then I realized why I like to watch Anime
but I'm lazy to talk about it right now :P
erm... so back to the time when I'm still a primary school student
I started to draw some picture which I copied from the comic
and I'm so happy when I get good comment from my friend
soo I didn't actually get any bad comment at that time
I didn't draw for a few years when I'm in secondary school
I don't know why... and I didn't watch anime until I'm form 3  0.0
after I've watched KHR and crazy about anime
I present the story line of KHR on my Chinese oral
and I prepare drawings for my presentation to make it more interesting
so I drew again at that time
and didn't take it seriously :(
until now I realized the importance of drawing to me...
I've forgotten something I wanted to say just now
but it's okay
hope I would be motivated again when I read my own blog next time...

oh ya some story for today...
sorry for another friend...
I think you won't read my blog too :)
so I wrote it here xD
sorry I've lied to you...
you asked me why I need to walk so fast
I answered you that my sister will be scolding me if I didn't get home on time
actually I just felt sorry to you and wanted to avoid you that time
I thought you dislike me...
but it's not seems you have talk to me :)

it's 2am now
and I'm going to friend's house tomorrow morning
some more need to go study after that
hope I have enough energy and clear mind to do that /.\

DEAR LORD please wake me up tomorrow
please let the alarm rings to my spirit XD
thank you God Father
good night and Amen ^-^

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