
last day of our mid year holiday~~

hope I can keep myself away from temptation until the SPM :)
and first the must~
MUST delete all my games in my phone
sometimes I'd like to use my SONY ERICSON
because my thought is what is the different between these smart phones with those old-fashioned cell-phones if we don't online don't play touch-screen mode games
XD haha actually my first impression on smart phones was "wow~! touch-screen! so I can play games with my fingers and it's a phone!!!"

OK I don't know whether I can do this...
LET MY SISTER LOCK THE PC (not the internet...YET
I'll... I'll try to control the usage of internet or maybe will just lock it T^T because I don't think I can control myself (WTF

and then it's the TV
but nowadays TV dramas or TV shows broadcast on TV are little bit boring
and most of them are HOKKIEN DRAMA SERIES
although sometimes the series would be nice to watch,
I think it's a waste of time /.\
However, the anime and variety shows which broadcast on Saturday is interesting~!!!
watching them is surely an entertainment an they did release my stress :D
and also it's like a motivation to live better every week
not everyday :) because I can't have much entertainment this year
as I also did have much fun for half of the year /.\
so it's time for me put more more more more and more effort on my study (hope I can do so

ok no time for me now
cause I need to finish my NIE and maybe my add maths =.=
hope I can finish the add naths...

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