

today is not a worst day but I discovered that
I'm not as important as I think in my friend's bosom
however, this thought would appear since every year =.=

I saw my friends just went to TAO without ME
ok this makes me feel like I'm the one in their group
FUCK what's the 6pm thing?!

then another group of friends posting picture which is their cooking results
ONE MORE GANG without me
okay and this is not the first time!
I also have asked them WHY they didn't invite me to two friends' birthday celebration
SO if I'm so ANNOYING if you doesn't want to have me in your group
then WHY are you talking to me like we're the best friend

and so...the last one not a group
I think I will not be angry with her because she didn't call me
As the reason she's making feel frustrated is
I just asked her hangout with our old friends which are study at other school
but she told me that GURNEY is too far for her
her house is just nearby 1st avenue
and she just need to take the bus once
no need to do any transfer!
if this is far to you, how about me?!
the distance from my house to the bus stop spends me 45 minutes!
and still I need to take the bus for twice!
plus the way back home is four times!
I just feel like why I can make the sacrifice but she can't?!
why she doesn't have the thought that making some sacrifice to hangout with friends for the last time until SPM is meaningful?

sometimes I feel like only I am caring this friendship's stuff
although I think I'm a extremely sensitive person (not all matter...

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