
complaints, moaning and grumbling =.= me such a grumpy

okay I couldn't deny that I will not feel crowded-out and lonely when my friends treat me like that
like what? just like I'm there but they're *not willing* to talk with me (this is only what I feel =.=
sometimes I just can't integrate inside their topic
is not I'm not approachable :( I don't think so...
I've tried hard to talk with them
and we just got into the same line for some topic
especially when they're talking about the crews in drama...
I don't know many of them
and when they're talking about Korean stars
although they didn't talk much about this...
and can fill in myself a bit...
okay just forget about this

I don't have tears when I thought of you
I don't have feelings when I saw your picture with her
maybe this is a good news
but bad news is maybe I'm gonna fall in love with someone AGAIN walau A
and I'm so happy because *your wife just talked to me
though she just asked me something about earning money
like those days I saw in Facebook
it said that "you can earn money with little amount of it bla bla bla"
or "you can earn $ with just clicking some bla bla bla"
there's so many of them and people like this keep on spamming my notification (I'm not saying your wife)
okay and I just feel like putting down a HUGE ROCK

sooo I just mentioned that I have went to the what what what drama
I'm little bit regret because I just promised my friends to go and they just left me there ._.
talk to me please I will 胡思乱想 especially when I'm alone and be quiet...
oh please help me get out of this imagination @@  (I think I need a psychiatrist -.- am I crazy??

ok~ talk about the drama
I didn't have much expectation on it because my friends just told me the presentation is worse year after year ((any grammar mistake ._. ?
but after today I feel like they're just students
what they present are things I couldn't make it better than
I can see their effort :) everyone are trying hard to achieve good result (can I say some school is exception because someone like me couldn't understand what they're performing...

haiz haiz haiz haiz I don't much energy on this anymore
damn tired although I'm just a spectator
but I need to wake up at 7++am ( I know there's someone who wake up earlier than me
and back home at 11++pm ( I don't know is there any people go back home later than me
I don't care! Just can't afford this anymore ((blek~!!!

good night :) hope I can have a sweet dreams and hope I can wake up early to watch my cartoon shows

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